Thursday, 29 January 2009

Heading south, camping?!?!

Well, after having picked up numerous speeding fines before leaving the UK I didn't leave it too long before the boys in blue were on my case again. Having pulled out of the Hertz car park and literally only 500m from where I got into the car I was breathalised! It was only a routine stop though and I was quickly moved on! phew!

Back on the road I to grips with the automatic transmission (almost putting Angela through the windscreen in the process!) and the city's roads and tolls.

With a wealth of camping knowledge picked up at XXIV Harlow Scout's Cobra Patrol, and from Sundays spent watching Ray Mears on the box I was ready for everything the bush could throw at me, including brown snakes, redbacks and psychopathic 'Wolf Creek' inspired locals. Angela though - with only a couple of nights spent under canvas in her back garden - was in for a shock.

To ease the pain we spent the first night at a hotel. We immediately swore we wouldn't do it again, at least not until we got back to Sydney.

We headed to K-mart to pick up the final bits of our camping equipment and got back on the road.

The scenery was fantastic and so much greener than we had both expected. All the way down the south coast of NSW and most of the way along the south of Victoria, Australia looks very much like parts of England and Scotland - except the water is a brilliant shade of turquoise and the sun is (mostly) out.

The driving was fantastic too, long, mostly empty highways, steer you through small villages and towns with names such as...

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